Resources From 'The State of Open Source' Talk
// Publicado em: 22 de abril de 2020Here is a bunch of links where you can find more information about the topics I covered.
They are ordered by being mentioned in the talk. Also, sometimes they are mentioned more than once, but the links are unique.
- Google Cloud Function
- AWS Lambda
- Azure Functions
- Kubernetes
- CNCF Serverless Landscape
- CNCF Survey 2019
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- External DNS
- Docker
- cert-manager
- CloudEvents
- Kafka
- OpenFaaS
- faasd
- OpenFaaS Incubator
- Knative
- Google Cloud Run
- Red Hat Open Shift Serverless
- Managed Knative IBM Kubernetes Services
- Pivotal Function Service
- TriggerMesh Cloud
- Apache OpenWhisk
- openwhisk-composer
- Learning Apache OpenWhisk
- riff
- Cloud Native Buildpacks
- Nuclio
- nuclio-jupyter
- Kubeless
- Fission
- fn
- Azure Functions (for Kubernetes)
- Keda
- KFServing
- knative-lambda-runtime
- CNCF Serverless Working Group
- CNCF Serverless Whitepaper
- Serverless Workflow