jardim do jojo

GPG Commands

// Publicado em: 28 de março de 2023
gpg --gen-key # of --full-genereate-key

gpg --output ~/revocation.crt --gen-revoke jonatas.baldin@protonmail.com

chmod 600 ~/revocation.crt

# output to send to keyservers
gpg --armor --export jonatas.baldin@protonmail.com

# encrypt file
gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient jonatas.baldin@protonmail.com <file>

# decrypt file
gpg <file>.asc

# encrypt multiple files with tar
gpgtar --encrypt --sign --output <file> -r jonatas.baldin@protonmail.com <path>

# decrypt
gpgtar --decrypt <file>

Make sure to store your private and revocation key in a safe place.